
main blog image woman working on laptop on the couch
Independence of Crafting

Independence of Crafting

When this country was born, it was conceived with the notion of personal independence and liberty, but relied heavily on the creativity and tenacity...

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A Crafter’s Balancing Act

A Crafter’s Balancing Act

Many people think that working a business from home is much easier than working from an office or working for someone else. On social media posts...

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It’s Almost Spring!

Take advantage of the fresh breath of Spring! Dust off the doldrums of the cold winter and embrace the cool breeze blowing through your business!

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A Community of Crafters

A Community of Crafters

  A COMMUNITY OF CRAFTERS One of the hardest things about being a small business crafter besides the marketing, is the solo condition of women...

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It Starts With An Idea

It Starts With An Idea

Every big business started with an idea. Every big business started out as a small business. Don't think small, think big! Your idea is just the...

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